Monday 21 September 2015

Alliance Survival in Marvel Future Fight

I accidentally when to unfinish game in Marvel Future Fight.

I was wondering every time tap on alliance tab there was 5 sub tab but it should be 3 sub tab. So I quickly tap one of it.

Then this came up. When to forum to reread the update post to see if this part of update but it look like its not.

Came back and saw this. It say get ready so why not. Must be another match. Judging by the timer its a 6 days competition against other Alliance score. It is also 1/1 participate so its 1 time match per day like BattleWorld 25 match per day.

The reward is insane and it give away to all members.

I thought it was redirect link to BattleWorld. I wonder why there was 3 of my player on the field. I didn't get to screenshot when I set this team. The requirement was combat only so I set Giantman, Bullseye and Venom.

I thought it was just average bonus mission where henchmen attack me wave after wave.

The score on top was increasing. My alliance member was on the bar. It must be indicate I beat his record even though he is richer than me with his VIP 15 status.

After killing all the henchmen. This white target appear. Might be a boss because it got alot HP. It was lag at this part. The whole movement was slow and I can't continue my fight. I try the same trick I did to enter this survival match again but I can't. 

Things I know while playing this there is no orb of healing and buff while killing the henchmen. To survive longer without recovery is tricky. So in the future if this game was fully complete I gonna have some of my character with 200% recovery rate and equip them ISO set that trigger self recovery or use healing character like Groot or Luke Cage.

This Survival Alliance competition is pretty sweet idea. To win this it take majority of the member to participate and test their skill to get highest score among one another. 

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